Scientific research

Letter to the editor: COVID-19 cases among school-aged children and school-based measures in Hong Kong, July 2020

Researchers at HKU SPH have shared their findings from a study of COVID-19 cases among school-aged children in Hong Kong, where 15 cases among school-aged children have been reported but did not lead to school outbreaks between May and July 2020. Their observations, published in the journal Eurosurveillance, show that control measures, such as daily temperature checks, wearing face masks, switching to half-day mode omitting lunch hours, using multiple entrances, spacing out desks, installing transparent partitions, and cancelling assemblies and extra-curricular activities, were adopted to different degrees in Hong Kong schools. The authors concluded that there is an urgent need to have standardised preparedness plans containing measures to be taken by schools in response to confirmation of cases or contacts of a COVID-19 case among staff and/or students.

Read more about this paper here:
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.37.2001671

# control and mitigation measures


©2020 - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved.